Enjoying the Variety in Education with Claire

Our latest Edtech Superhero shares tips on enjoying the variety in education. Claire Buckler is an incredible educator, and Director of Learning Commons at Devonport High School for Boys in Plymouth, Devon, England.

Claire has worked in the education industry for 15 years, teaching IT, iMedia, and Computer Science with her current role involving the implementation and promotion of digital skills across Devonport High School for Boys. 

Some of Claire’s notable roles include Head of Department for 8 years, a Raspberry Pi Educator and Trainer, NCCE facilitator, CAS Community Leader, CEOP and Barefoot, and a Google Level 2 educator.

Before her time in education, Claire also worked in hospitality and has completed training in coaching, mindfulness, project-based learning, and effective delivery of CPD to adults. All in all these experiences have contributed to her perspective on school life. 

Let’s get into it!

The beauty of being an educator!

1. What’s the first thing you do to get your day going? 

Take my dog out for a walk. I live on Dartmoor in Devon – it’s a fabulous start to the day.

2. What’s your go-to meal for breakfast and tea or coffee? 

I don’t eat breakfast, but I do like a lot of coffee.

3. Which music artist best describes your working style? 

Very difficult question, I couldn’t answer – I guess my style is like Drum and Bass though – hectic!

4. What inspires you to go to work every morning?

Working with young people every day is the most rewarding. Every day is different.  I enjoy seeing students thrive and become confident young people.

“I enjoy seeing students thrive and become confident young people.”

5. What inspires you to go to work every morning and indeed throughout your career?

Every day is a different day, I could be planning an edtech talk or recruiting student teachers. Even in class, teaching different students brings its own challenges. I love the variation that this career allows.

“I love the variation that this career allows.”

6. What do you love most about your work?  

I am currently really enjoying going into other schools to help them with their edtech journey and showing how new tools can ease teacher workload.

7. Are you team Google or team Apple & why?  

Google all the way – the ease of use and the way that you collaborate is exceptional.

8. Advice for fellow educators and general tips 

Make a dedicated workspace if you can, that’s separate from your normal day to day space so you can feel like you are ‘going to work’.

“Make a dedicated workspace…” 

9. What are your thoughts on the theme for Women’s month this year?

What a great theme.  Everyone should challenge themselves daily.  For education – make sure you look at what you are doing, is it the best way, challenge yourself to become better.

“Everyone should challenge themselves daily.”

 10. What is your Mantra for the year? 

 You can learn something every day if you listen.

I’d like to say Thank you again to Claire for taking the time to do this with us.

Our EdTech SuperHero series was inspired by 2021’s  Women’s Month theme, “Choose to Challenge”. I will be exploring this theme in our greater series to draw attention to the role that we all play in creating a better and safer world for our students to learn and grow in. 

If you would like to have a chat with me about the state of Education in your world or if you would simply like to share some tools and tips with other educators, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact me as I’d love to have a conversation with you.


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