
Make exams uncheatable! Create focused learning environments, with Modes for your classroom.

Bring together classroom management and web filtering into one easy-to-use and powerful feature to create focused learning environments.

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Create Focused Learning Environments

Determine exactly what content is accessible during your class

Action, Instantly

Start Modes at any time, whether throughout the class, or once the activity gets underway.

On-Task Students

By limiting the amount of URL's or Apps that students may access, students remain on-task and focused throughout.

Multi-OS Environments

Whatever operating systems you have in your class, Modes ensures that everyone is focused and learning.

Streamline Lessons

Modes allows for streamlined and time-efficient lessons. By creating modes prior to a lesson, their simple application

Flexible Learning

Mobile Guardian allows you to run your lesson your way. Discover various ways to get the best out of your learning environments.

Enhance your Learning Program

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Modes for your Classroom

A Fluid Teaching Experience

Modes enables you to ensure your students start on the right page, without distraction.

Provide Focus

A focused learning environment enhances both the learning and teaching experience.

Success Orientated

Support your students by providing an environment designed to help them succeed.

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Transform your mobile

learning program

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Success Stories

Robin F

“Mobile Guardian’s support is a lot better than our previous MDM vendor. They had terrible support and so we made the switch over to Mobile Guardian.”

Schools ICT team
Digital Integration Specialist

“Mobile Guardian were very helpful in setting us up with some test accounts. They delivered excellent help throughout the testing process.”

Maria S.

"With video conferencing I can see my students, but with Mobile Guardian I can see what they are actually doing on their devices and share my screen at the same time, it’s great."

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