And we are live! Can you spot anything different? Well, we hope so, because we've been hard at work!
Welcome to our new home!
Although the past year was filled with uncertainty, one thing is for certain, Mobile Guardian has continued to evolve and it is all thanks to you.
Now, this just didn’t happen overnight. Oh no! We have been working tirelessly to present you with a brand that represents us at an exciting stage of our evolution. A brand that focuses on what we are about, supporting Education and supporting schools around the world to create safer and more effective learning programs.
Not to worry, we are not going to start acting all brand new. Our brand is still the same one that you trust and love and we will continue to build our solutions for the school of the future.
We would like to thank our marketing team for working to make this rebrand a reality but most of all, we would like to thank you for being our source of inspiration to constantly innovate and develop our software solution. We continue to strive to empower you to create safe online learning environments and memorable experiences in both your and your students' life of learning.
We have developed a brand to help you take your 1:1 program to the next level.
About our Logo and Icon
The Mobile Guardian logo represents a shield. The shield symbolizes our greater vision of ensuring that every device in every child’s hand, no matter where they are, is protected.
Looking deeper, the three stripes represent our main solutions for education; Campus, Learn, and Safer. These solutions are all rooted in the foundation of mobile device management - our foundational solution, Manage.
Manage is where our vision and software starts, upon effective device management, Mobile Guardian can create flexible and comprehensive solutions that enhance your classroom.

Learn provides you with internationally recognized classroom management solutions, to empower educators to provide immersive and focused online learning programs.
Safer ensures that students are safe while learning online with web filtering tools that allow you to remove distractions online. Assisting you to create a focused and streamlined learning program.
Campus, our complete solution, combines these three solutions to transform your device program and unite all stakeholders in a student’s educational journey.
Brand Colour
Blue represents both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, intuition, and inspiration. Dark blue is associated with knowledge, power, integrity, and professionalism and also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, and intelligence.
Moving on to the color purple. Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. It has a variety of effects on the mind and body, including uplifting spirits, calming the mind, and encouraging imagination and creativity.

Lastly, the color green is the color of life, renewal, nature, and energy, which is associated with meanings of growth, freshness, and safety. This association with renewal, growth, and hope is a perspective that classrooms around the world are benefitting from.
Use of our Logo and Icon
There are a few different versions of our icon available. The background color, as well as the color of the M, are for use on different backdrops.
The variations in the layout of our new Mobile Guardian logo allow for its use in various scenarios should the spacing requirements vary.

Both our icon and logo are designed to be easily recognizable whether online, in print, or on an expo stand at a conference.
Our new illustration style is a natural evolution from Mobile Guardian of old.
This natural progression clearly represents our company and software offering’s evolution as a whole. The small team who created our initial device management, classroom management, and web filtering features from four years ago, to the fully-fledged, 3D learning environments that our software empowers educators to create today.

This new style of illustration and presentation fully represents our organization's progress to being a world leader in mobile device solutions for education.
We are proud of the organization that we’ve evolved into, and how our new brand represents the progress of our offering to the world of education.
Designed for Education, Mobile Guardian continues to be Loved by Parents.
Our Typography: Nunito
We’ve kept our tone of voice, and Nunito is a well-balanced means with which to express ourselves.
As a sans serif typeface superfamily, with 2 versions: The project began with Nunito, created by Vernon Adams as a rounded terminal sans serif for display typography.
We wanted our users to enjoy using our products and the right font is an important part of their experience. For our Dashboard UI, we selected Nunito, as it is a more rounded font that is easy to read and great for all types of applications including print and online.
With this in use, we decided to go for a more bold typeface and Nunito Sans fitted perfectly. Jacques Le Bailly extended it to a full set of weights, and an accompanying regular non-rounded terminal version, Nunito Sans, which gave us ample room to experiment and adjust the typeface to suit our designs, whilst still remaining consistent.

With our expansion into the Asia Pacific, further versatility was called for. As a companion to the Nunito typography, Noto Sons was chosen for Korean, Japanese, Simplified, and Traditional Chinese. Allowing us to retain the weight and tone across these newer markets, while having that Mobile Guardian character.
We hope you enjoy our new brand as much as we have enjoyed creating it! It’s something we’re delighted with and are looking forward to sharing it with you in the years ahead.
Team Mobile Guardian