Device And Student Enrolment

Scroll down to see our device and student enrolment features. We have multiple options to save you precious time.

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Multiple enrolment options

We offer bulk enrolment through Apple School Manager (DEP), Apple Configurator 2, G Suite and Android EMM. You can also enrol devices using through QR codes or URLs.

Rapid student enrolment

Populate student records from your master data source. Sync data from Apple School Manager (ASM), Active Directory (AD), Google Organizational Units (OUs) or a CSV import.

Seamless student linking

Use your student data to provide auto linking to device upon initial login. No matter what device the student is using, a record of their activity will be linked to the student.

Accommodate student mobility

As students progress, with their devices, through the grades, or even to a new school, they will automatically have the correct restrictions assigned to their device.

Transform your mobile

learning program

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