Engaging lessons with your Chromebooks
The rise of edtech has given teachers the opportunity to really turn a traditional classroom on its head. We know that Chromebook are incredibly popular in schools all over the world, so we took a look at ways to make Chromebook lessons a little more engaging.
These devices are fantastic for students because they don’t cost as much as full laptops but still give you a computer to work with. They’re far more engaging than a tablet because you get a full screen and a keyboard for typing. It’s a more real-world, professional experience that you’re training your students for when you use Chromebooks in the class.
Another bonus of using Chromebooks is that you can use the Mobile Guardian’s Learn solution solution. Our MDM platform has been designed specifically for use in schools. Additionally, it has a great set of classroom tools that will help you get the most out of your Chromebooks and each lesson with your students. These include in-class device management for teachers, which gives you complete control over how your students use their devices during your lessons. You also get web filtering that you can control from your dashboard to ensure only safe and useful websites are being visited. There’s also a linked parent dashboard that gives parents peace of mind when these Chromebooks come home.
Let’s take a look at some inspiration for your Chromebook lessons:
Get virtual with STEM subjects
One of the best things about STEM subjects is the physical, real-world applications of what is taught in the class. However, it’s not always possible to actually build a robot or do big chemical experiments in the classroom. This is where the many virtual experience Chromebook apps that have been designed for STEM subjects come in handy.
You can get your students to do potentially dangerous science experiments without putting them in harm’s way. They can mix together chemicals and see the results on their screens. They can also design big physics experiments, and through the use of 3D design apps, see if their hypothesis is true or not.
See history firsthand without leaving the classroom
When it comes to Chromebook lessons, you can really go to the extreme with history. There are so many resources online and in the app store that can bring the past back to life for your students. Students can actually see how landscapes have changed and cities have risen or fallen over thousands of years, thanks to animations and 3D renderings. They can also trawl through old news archives – both written and video – to get a sense of life in different periods.
Open up a time for unguided exploration
Human beings now have more access to information than ever before. This is why the leaders in online information – Google – have created a 20% rule for their staff members. Everyone working for the company has to spend one fifth of their work week exploring or researching a passion project that’s related to their industry.
While it’s not really possible to give students a full day to do their own thing, it can be very productive to give them one lesson a week of unguided exploration. This will be their time to get into the details of an element of the subject that they really love. According to Google, this should result in more creativity and passion.
You can then ask each student to present something about their findings, or show what methods they used to do their research. Everyone will be able to learn from the experience.
Present lessons together
The beauty of Chromebooks is that you can truly collaborate with other users. These devices are great for group projects and homework assignments. But let’s flip that on its head and look at how you as the teacher can collaborate with other teachers or industry experts to create exciting, innovative lessons.
You can create lesson plans together, or bring in someone else to teach a specific class via Skype. This will give your students access to so much more than just your own ideas. It will also give you the chance to bounce ideas off of other experts and get inspiration from them.
Chromebook lessons are easy to make interesting
With so many apps and opportunities to collaborate fully, you’ll never have to resort to making students read out loud from the textbook again. The world is now open to you and your students to travel, experiment and explore through Chromebook lessons.
Don’t be concerned that you won’t stay in control, though. With an education-focused MDM solution like Mobile Guardian on your side, you’ll be able to manage how your students use their Chromebooks and keep them on the right track for learning.
Robyn Hobson
Team Mobile Guardian