Our YouTube Channel


We’re excited to tell you that we’ve created a series of videos about Mobile Guardian for Schools. They’re up on our official YouTube channel and highlight the features and functionality you can expect from our product.

If you’re new to these parts, Mobile Guardian is a powerful mobile device management (MDM) platform designed  to manage countless devices, across multiple operating systems.

Well that’s a mouthful! In a nutshell, we enable I.T managers in schools across the world, to remotely manage and monitor their fleet of Android, Chromebook, iOS and macOS devices, from the comfort of their desk.

Our series of videos looks at:

If you want to know more, then visit our schools page to find out about the benefits and features of the platform. You can also browse through our case studies here.

Thanks for reading and keep an eye on our blog for upcoming news and feature announcements.


The Mobile Guardian Team


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