Communicating with Students with Student Messaging

How Student Messaging increases lesson fluidity and allows students to self correct

Student messaging tools allow teachers to instantly message a single student, all students, or selected students in a digital classroom. Whether students are distracted or require direction, a simple message makes a world of difference.

Whether quietly reminding the class they have 5 minutes left on their task, or wanting to remind a student to focus on the task at hand – student messaging is a quick method of doing so.

Teachers gain an unobtrusive way to communicate with students in the digital classroom. This means of communication also creates a healthy learning environment in which students are encouraged to self correct, which increases lesson fluidity and reduces conflict between teachers and students.

Help Students Self Correct with Student Messaging

When a teacher notices a student is distracted in class they would normally have to walk over to the student’s desk or call out to said student to ask them to focus, this scenario creates a distraction for the whole class and may even encourage others to stray from the task at hand.

With student messaging tools a teacher can message a distracted student and create an environment in which that student can self correct. Teachers do not have to distract the whole class by confronting a distracted student.

Top Uses of Student Messaging

  • Teachers can use student messaging to send instructions to an entire class to make class announcements which increases lesson fluidity.
  • Student messaging can be used as an unobtrusive way of refocusing distracted students.
  • Student messaging benefits classroom environments by encouraging healthy self correction instead of teachers having to become dictators in their classrooms.
  • Students are able to exercise self-control and develop this important skill set.

Student messaging can be used very effectively alongside Mobile Guardian’s live screen view feature. With live screen views, teachers can view students’ screens from their desks and identify distracted students – all from their teacher dashboard.

Teachers, having spotted a distracted student, can use the student messaging feature to unobtrusively message a student and by doing so help them self correct and refocus on their work.

Drive Learning in Your Digital Classroom with Student Messaging

Student messaging supports student learning through the creation of more focused and healthy digital classroom environments.

If you are interested in learning how you can utilise Student Messaging to drive engaging learning in your digital classroom, you can find out more about our Learn & Campus solutions – which include our classroom management toolset.

Alternatively, you may book a personalised demo with one of our team to understand how Mobile Guardian can elevate your digital learning environments.

Discover more features that drive learning in the digital classroom and get the best out of learning in your digital classroom.

Michael Rosenthal
Team Mobile Guardian


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